Re: Recall Automation Email
If you select the email to come from your organisation, here; And you manage the mailing box that it is sent from, then yes, you can recall the message. No if from Smartsheet Automation. Thanks, Jamie1 · -
Re: Counting Status Changes
You could do a workflow to copy the rows to another sheet each time the status changes, then count the number of rows copied to see the total number of status changes.1 · -
Re: What formula will identify duplicates in a column and only keep the most recent row?
Yup! That’s fine - or just change from triggered to a time period..2 · -
Re: Formulas to set up KPI's for shipments requests
For the second part: The number of days in-between is simply the below in a text/number column: =[Logistics Completion Date] - [Date Requested] [Please upvote this if it helped, it helps me]1 · -
Re: Formulas to set up KPI's for shipments requests
For the first part: Make the RA KPI column a drop down, with the two options: Pass and Fail Then the formula will be this: =IF([RA Approval Date]@row - [Date Requested]@row < 2, "Pass", …1 ·